When taking home delicious Japanese fruits as souvenirs, some countries require that they be quarantined. Writing the required documents can be time consuming and in the process could result in you missing your flight. As such, we provide the required plant quarantine document as a service.

Application Overview

*Check here for the location of the quarantine desk at each of the airports.

Airports list

*Countries and items that require quarantine here.

Item List

  Strawberry Melon Cherry Peach Apple Grapes
Korea × ×
The EU ●*
Switzerland × ×
Norway ●* ●*
Canada × × ×
●Quarantine Required ×Export Prohibited
◎Quarantine Not Required ※Conditions Apply
  Japanese Pear European Pear Asian Persimmon Satsuma Orange Watermelon
Thailand ×
Korea × × × ×
The EU ●*
Switzerland ●*
Norway ●*
●Quarantine Required ×Export Prohibited
◎Quarantine Not Required ※Conditions Apply

Application Deadline

Due 24 hours before your time of departure


JPY 1,080-


  • Our service only provides the plant quarantine application documents. We do not provide actual plant quarantine service. (You, the customer, will go through the quarantine process.)
  • You may not be able to apply at the airport if there are mistakes in the information you have submitted. Please make sure you fill in everything correctly.
  • Quarantine at the airport may take some time. Please arrive at the airport early.
  • We are not responsible for anything regarding the actual quarantine process. (ie. failed quarantine, missed flight.)

Information Required

Current Address
E-mail Address
E-mail Address *check
Date of Departure (DD/MM/YYYY)
Flight Number (AIRLINE/NO.)
The time that you schedule to go to Plant Quarantine(HH:MM)
Item Name (See here for a list.)
Number of Cases (BOX)
Total Weight (KG)
Origin (Name of Prefecture)